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You can also talk to us during our normal business hours by calling 707 763-2924

951 Transport Way
Petaluma, CA 94954

(707) 763-2924

Skippy's egg store is the retail showroom of Petaluma Farms. We have a great variety of fresh, locally produced eggs as well as milk, cheese, oils, spices, baking supplies, luncheon and breakfast meats, disposables and much more, all at fantastic price points.


Checks are eggs with slight cracks, but no leakage from the inner contents

Checks are eggs with slight cracks, but no leakage from the inner contents

Since we are an egg packing plant as well as a farm, the FDA allows us to sell our slightly cracked eggs as a USDA grade of "Checks." Only an egg plant can do this and we are allowed just one location to do so. Checks are actually fresher than our uncracked brands featured in your local grocery store because we don't keep them more than three days after processing. With refrigeration, they'll last as long as an uncracked egg and they offer an amazing value for one of the best proteins available. 


All our checks are sold in flats which hold 2.5 dozen eggs. We can only sell them for non commercial use and we are limited to 6 flats per day per customer vehicle.

  • Cage Free Brown Checks - $2.10 dz.
  • Organic Checks - $1.40 dz.
  • Organic Omega-3 Checks - $1.50 dz.
  • Cage Free White DHA Omega-3 Checks - $1.50 dz.
  • Conventionally raised White Checks - $.90 dz.